“Therapeutic Touch is only partially about healing others. Equally – perhaps even more importantly – it is about an inner journey. It is important to acknowledge that the empowerment in Therapeutic Touch comes through the TT therapist’s quest for a liaison with the Inner Self.” —Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN
Therapeutic Touch (TT) is a safe, non-invasive holistic healing modality that can be learned by anyone with compassion and the desire to help another. Developed by Dolores Krieger, RN, PhD and Dora van Gelder Kunz in the early 1970’s, TT has a long history of application and research promoting healing and wholeness in numerous physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges.
Therapeutic Touch is defined as a holistic, evidence-based therapy that incorporates the intentional and compassionate use of universal energy to promote balance and well-being.
Therapeutic Touch is based on the idea that inherent in nature is a healing energy comprised of Wholeness, Compassion and Natural Order. Through quieting ourselves, we can connect to this healing energy and compassionately and consciously use our hands to direct it to support healing. Dora Kunz observed that the ability to promote healing is a natural human potential. Also, that in health, life energy flows freely throughout the body. In contrast, dis-ease is a condition of energy imbalance or disorder. Among potential responses, evidence shows that Therapeutic Touch promotes a deep relaxation response, easing tension and anxiety; reducing the perception of pain; accelerating the healing process and promoting an increase in comfort at the end of life.
Acceptance to the Therapeutic Touch programs is by application only. Once you register the application form will be sent to you via email, regular mail is also available.
Foundations of
Therapeutic Touch
June 7 to 11, 2025
Therapeutic Touch
Mentorship Program
June 7 to 13, 2025
Therapeutic Touch – Path of Consciousness, Healing & Service
June 16 to 22, 2025
Therapeutic Touch
Healing Partners
Week One: June 7 – 13
Therapeutic Touch
Healing Partners
Week Two: June 16 – 22