Whether at a program or a work party, you will be supported by the sanctity of Indralaya. It is a beautiful place to quiet yourself and enjoy the nature that surrounds you. Meal times and evening campfires in the grove or the lounge gather folks together in discussion, music, stories, and conversation.
Explore the options for the 2025 season and consider trying something new!
Registration is Open!!!
Many of our beloved programs such as Family Camp, Connections, Deep Singing, Therapeutic Touch and the Levey’s meditation program are in the 2025 schedule. In addition, there are new programs to discover! These are highlighted in the list with *new*.
We hope to see you again or meet you for the first time at one of Indralaya’s many programs. Explore the options for the 2025 season and consider trying something new!
Nature Immersion: Reconnect, Rejuvenate, Renew
With Elizabeth Nelson
Connecting to your Awe-thentic Divinity
With Nichole DeMent
Astrology and Tarot – Tools for Transformative Times
With Stephanie Austin and Callie French
Practical Theosophy: Finding Our Purpose in the Confusion
With Douglas Keene, President Theosophical Society in America
Foundations of Therapeutic Touch
With Peggy Frank and Sandy Revesz
TT Mentorship
With Kathy Arquette, Chery Ann Hoffmeyer, Cordy Anderson, Lin Bauer and Mary Lou Trinkwon
Therapeutic Touch Healing Partners, Week 1
With Tama Recker (TT)
Therapeutic Touch® as a Path of Consciousness, Healing & Service
With Jody Falconer, Jane Cornman, Sandy Revesz and Cordy Anderson
Therapeutic Touch Healing Partners, Week 2
With Suzanne Engelberg
Deep Singing
With Barbara Bellamy and Tiffany Stoker
Family Camp 1
With John Ackerman, Sarah Ackerman and Kimberly Peterson
Cultivating Presence in Uncertain Times
With Joel and Michelle Levey
Family Camp 2
Connections – A conversation about the history, present, and future of Indralaya
With Rolf Eriksen - Work Projects
Contemplative Art in Nature
With Kimberlee Hummel, Karen Abel Dickinson and April Claxton
Qigong for Health
With Bob Shapiro
Blessing Your Journey
With Hilarie Hauptman, Leeann Tourtillott and Karen Lohmann
Deep Singing – Long Weekend
With Barbara Bellamy and Tiffany Stoker
Opening to Stillness: Silent Meditation Retreat
With Leonie Van Gelder and Tama Recker
Work Parties
Indralaya’s work parties are open to all ages, and include room and board for a modest fee. In return, you work 5 hours a day with others in the common purpose of helping with ongoing tasks to keep Indralaya running. Work parties are a time to join your friends or make new friends while working together in community.Folks gather for work parties to open camp, assist with building projects, clean up nature’s debris, work in the garden, harvest our bounty of apples, or clean and close camp in preparation for winter. There is always plenty to do.