Fall 2024
Table of Contents
- 2025 Program Preview
- Garden Updates
- Maintenance Shop
- Garden
- Grove Stage
- Celebrating 2024 Stewardship Volunteers
Indralaya Library – Meet Maryse Sagewynd
- News from the Board Secretary
- Treasurer’s Report
- World Congress of the Theosophical Society – in Vancouver BC July 23 – 29, 2025
- Friends of Indralaya – Join for 2025
- Summer Programs in Pictures
Remembering Frances (Fran) Pardee

When you think of Fran Pardee you are very likely hearing her exuberant laugh and seeing the smile that always spread across her face, completely animating her. And in having that memory, it probably makes you smile and even laugh, which is undoubtedly how Fran would want you to remember her.
Fran was a regular at Connections where she contributed to the kitchen and garden. She was a nurturer who shared her skills through a career in education and social work, as an ordained Unitarian Minister, as a member of a large and extended family and within her community of many friends.
We appreciate Fran for her gift of listening, giving thoughtful advice and just being present. She loved to swim, and many a wonderful conversation was had in the water off Near East Beach or at Cascade Lake. Fran hailed from Vancouver Island and would take the Sidney Anacortes ferry to arrive at Orcas. Her dream was to bring her grandchildren to Indralaya. Hopefully one day they too will discover this wonderful place.
Manager’s Minute
Many campers have asked: what goes on at camp during the winter months? Well, there are some quieter moments with hot tea, observing the changes in season, and settling into different routines than are possible when many people are here. But, we’re just as busy!
This time of year allows for different projects to happen on the grounds: draining down all of the plumbing cabins and improving our procedures, cleaning all of the decks and beginning to add some non-slip material to those in most need, continued work on the bathhouse to protect it from winter weather and prepare for trenching and septic field construction, work in the garden, repairs to roofing, septic, and gas lines, and much more. We have two stewards who will be here into December, helping our facilities manager, Lano, on the grounds and assisting me with kitchen cleanup, cabin cleaning, deep cleaning and more. We are thankful for the additional help getting camp closed up this year!
Our community outreach is expanding! We were able to host a meeting of the local Pea Patch board members, including folks from a few different local groups, working collaboratively. The team includes our own beloved Minor Lile, previous long-time camp manager along with Leonie Van Gelder. The Pea Patch property will become a Community Campus, providing permanent space for the Orcas Island Food Bank, the Orcas Community Resource Center and a neighborhood of affordable rental homes. Working in concert with the neighboring nonprofits, the development plans aim to include sufficient buffers, potentially shared parking and pathways, and carefully sited housing providing much needed homes for individuals and families with lower incomes. There is good potential for alternative energy sources to be included in the design as well. We anticipate being able to collaborate with other local interests this winter and into the Spring.
Here in the office, efforts continue to finalize programming, develop marketing materials, support fundraising efforts, improve registration and other IT projects, complete our year-end documentation and reporting, schedule stewards and head cooks, and many other preparations for the season to come.
Places like Indralaya cultivate and nurture these values and practices, and provide a space of safety, sanctuary and comfort for our community and beyond. Our communal meditations and work together send healing energy beyond our small corner of earth to the larger region around us and even to the world. Our efforts at self-improvement, at building better relationships, at cultivating strong ties to nature, all contribute to a better humanity in general. The work that begins here with each of us radiates out to all beings and to our mother earth as well.
Your continued support for Indralaya is continued support for a better life, a better world. No matter how small the service, it is part of our dharma, the “right way of living” or “path of rightness”. Each of you is appreciated, an essential and valued participant in life here at Indralaya.
Many blessings and much light to each of you over these holy-days, however you choose to honor them!
In Service,
Upcoming for 2025
Coming Soon: A Biodynamic Garden at Indralaya
By Laurie Rotecki
Together with Lano Harrison, Indralaya Facilities Manager, we are embarking on a new garden journey. We are inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s biodynamic garden model. Biodynamic gardeners work to nurture and harmonize many independent elements: fields, forests, plants, animals, soils, compost, people, and the spirit of the place. This method features a holistic, ecological and ethical approach to gardening, food and nutrition supporting the health and vitality of our community.
Our long-term goal is to revitalize the garden, the heart of Indralaya.
As part of this transformation, we are excited to announce that Indralaya will be offering a new, six-month garden internship! This will help give the added attention and support our garden needs to thrive.
Stay tuned! ~ Laurie Rotecki

Preview – 2025 Programs at Indralaya
We are pleased to invite you to review Indralaya’s 2025 programs. You will see many of our beloved programs such as Family Camp, Connections, Deep Singing, Therapeutic Touch and the Levey’s meditation program. In addition, there are more programs to discover! There are several new programs for 2025 – they are highlighted in the list with *new*. You will be able to see details on the website after December 20, and registration will open February 1, 2025.
We would love to see you again or to meet you for the first time at one of Indralaya’s many programs. Another option to visit Indralaya is to sign up for one of our several work parties. They are open to all ages, include room and board for a modest fee, and you only need to come and work 5 hours a day! Join with others for the common purpose of helping Indralaya accomplish the many tasks that are always before us. Work parties are a time to join your friends or make new friends while working together in community. Over the years it has been a tradition for folks to gather for work parties to either open camp, assist with building projects, clean up nature’s debris, work in the garden, harvest our bounty of apples or clean and close camp in preparation for winter. There is always plenty to do.
Whether you sign up for a program or a work party, when you are here you will be supported by the sanctity of Indralaya. It is a beautiful place to quiet yourself and enjoy the nature that surrounds you. Our evening campfires, which take place either in the grove or the lounge, gather folks together in discussion, music, story, song, poetry or conversation.
Explore the options for the 2025 season and consider trying something new!
Feb. 14-17
Work Party
March 21-24
Work Party
April 25-28
Work Party
May 1-4
Nature Immersion: Reconnect, Rejuvenate, Renew *new*
May 8-11
Connecting to Your Awe-Thentic Divinity *new*
May 15-18
Astrology & Tarot: Tools for Transformative Times *new*
May 23-26
Work Party
May 29-June 1
Theosophy with Doug Keene, National President of the TSA *new*
June 7-13
Therapeutic Touch Week 1: Foundations/Mentorship
June 16-22
Therapeutic Touch Week 2: The Path
June 26-July 2
Deep Singing
July 6-12
Family Camp 1
July 16-21
Meditation, Nature & Community (Levey Program)
July 26-Aug 1
Family Camp 2
Aug 5-11
Aug 14-19
Contemplative Art in Nature: Find a New Side of You Through Mindfulness-Inspired Art *new*
Aug 22-25
QiGong for Health *new*
Aug 29-Sept 1
Work Party
Sept 5 – 7
Sept 11-15
Blessing Your Journey
Sept 18-21
Deep Singing
Sept 25-28
Opening to Stillness: A Silent Meditation Retreat to Nourish Self-Compassion in Times of Uncertainty *new*
Oct 10-13
Work Party
Nov 1 (Day Event)
Raw Vegan Desserts for the Holidays *new*
Nov 7-10
Work Party
We are so grateful for all of the generous donations made this year!
Donations to Indralaya are essential in supporting the ongoing operations at camp, and of course for the construction of the lower bath house. We are making a special push to complete the bath house. With greater numbers of campers, it is essential for the health and comfort of all to get the bath house up and running for next summer. This is a great time to give, as the cost of materials and labor will only continue to increase. The remaining cost for the bath house is $261,000, including $100,000 for completion of the septic field, which needs replacing.
As the end of the year approaches, please remember that Indralaya (the Orcas Island Foundation) is a non-profit charity (501c3) in the USA which means your donations are deductible from US taxes! You can donate cash, via credit card, stocks or securities, in kind (you might be able to donate a car or equipment if Indralaya needs them) or from your IRA distribution (this one can be tax free to you). These and other ways to donate are detailed on our website at: https://www.indralaya.org/donate-to-indralaya-2/.
We are so appreciative for the dedication of our donors (and of supplemented with the hard work that volunteers contribute!) and for your support on many levels.
Many thanks in advance.
Facilities and Grounds Update
Lower Bathhouse
Throughout the year, a lot of work activity has been focused on the construction of the Lower Bathhouse, by camp volunteers as well as by contractors – both overseen by Project Manager, Rolf Eriksen.
A significant amount of work was done by volunteers over the summer, especially during the Connections Program. While work continued on the interior – framing, and construction of a utility “loft” – the exterior was a focus – paneling was installed over the wrap and metal roof panels on the portico.
A great crew of volunteers at the November Work party successfully closed up the exterior of the building, protecting it from winter weather. Thanks to Andrew, Phil, Jim, Rolf, Francis, Shannon and Andrie.

Maintenance Shop
With the hiring of Lano Harrison as Maintenance Manager, there have been significant improvements to the Maintenance Shop and surrounding area. The shop floor has been organized, as have the tools. The Shop office has been made into an operating office. The lumber yard has been cleaned up and organized.

Grove stage
Thanks to the generosity of Rolf Eriksen, the stage at the Grove has been recreated and a piano installed with insulated storage space.

Celebrating 2024 Stewardship Volunteers

Indralaya has always been a community of volunteers. The Stewardship Program carries on that tradition, offering a minimum 2-week free stay in exchange for 5 hours of work/day, 6 days per week. Stewards are involved in all aspects of camp including attending programs, campfires, and other activities. In 2024, 26 stewards will have contributed an estimated 3,120 hours of service. Volunteers came from 3 countries (Germany, France, Burma); 14 came from other states. Truly intergenerational and a mix of backgrounds – early 20’s to 70’s, 12 were returning stewards, 14 new to Indralaya. For many, the experience of being at Indralaya is deeply meaningful… expressed in this review recently posted on the WWOOFer site by Lisa:
Indralaya is truly a special place, and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend the time I did with this community. I came at the close of season, so my experience was varied and unique. The property itself is quite magical, and it really is a special experience to be able to work / live in such a beautiful and serene setting. Given the timing of my stay, I was able to get a taste both of the community during its most active and the space in its most quiet. Both were special in their own unique ways. The work varied, depending on day and needs. It is a large property, and the needs are many! But I enjoyed everything I did throughout my stay, from working in the kitchen to cleaning the cabins to helping clear the garden to scrubbing walls and porches.
This space attracts a certain mindset and conscious individual, which I really appreciated being surrounded by. The community as a whole works together in support of the space, so it feels as if we are all in it together. There doesn’t feel like a hierarchy and nobody is above anyone or anything. All work together, which is a really special energy to be part of. This space is 100 years in the making. It’s built by shared intent, over generations, and I very much am grateful to be one hand of many in keeping it alive.
With deep gratitude to Alice, Alyssa, Angie, Aspen, Aung, Caleb, Dan, Emily, Francis, Gloria, Keely, Kim, Laurie, Leah, Lisa, Lucia, Madison, Marshall, Maya, Michael, Sarah, Shannon, Sharon, Sissi, Steph and Stephanie!
Thank you Head Cooks for 2024
A huge part of community life at Indralaya is the tasty meals that are provided by our dedicated volunteer Head Cooks at each program and work party. This year we are so grateful to the following cooks for the time, effort and love involved in preparing outstanding menus and meals with helpful crews alongside.
Deep gratitude goes to: Lin Bauer, Merry Bullock, Jeannie Chamberlain, Cindy Cole, Darla Eaton, Donna Erickson, Victoria Bennett-Fonseca, Elisha Klco, Andrie Levey-Bates, Viola Marx, Crystal Mossman, Tessa Ormenyi, Anne Saunders, Julia Toren, Anna Van Gelder, Arthur Van Gelder, Irena Marx-Van Gelder, Kari Van Gelder, Leonie Van Gelder, Melanie Van Gelder and Alec Grae.
A blessing also for our breakfast leads this season: David Toren, Leif and Donna Erickson, Andrie Levey-Bates, Marshall Peabody and Alec Grae.
Meet Maryse Sagewynd, our dedicated library volunteer!
I have had the honor of working in the beautiful library at Indralaya since about 2017, when I asked Leonie van Gelder if she could use some library help. (Since I have a BA in, of course, English Literature, I feel both enlivened and at peace in this library!). The building itself has a special lovely energy, and houses a varied collection of spiritual and Theosophical books, some of which are antique and many are out of print. This is a precious resource available to camp attendees and residents.
Besides re-shelving books and restoring order after use by campers during programs, librarians review book conditions, repair or re-cover books (and other aspects of “dressing” books); we process new books into our catalog spreadsheet and work on re-classifications, and myriad other duties.
We welcome new library members who are residents of Orcas; local membership costs $10/year and gives the privilege of borrowing books for a month (please be sure to return them–some are irreplaceable!). Off-islanders attending camp programs can enjoy borrowed books and return them to the library prior to leaving.
When visiting the library, we make sure to remove our shoes, wash our hands before handling books with care, provide contact info if borrowing, and maintain quiet respect for both the contents and the wonderful building itself. Welcome!
Just a brief review of recent months in the library:
- This summer saw the addition of some unique books donated by Theosophist, Chiropractor, and Healer George Douglas to the library collection.
- Maryse Sagewynd and Nancy Lehwalder sorted & catalogued the books; Lucia Hodges covered them, and then Maryse added cards & labels.
- Lucia also delabeled the Blavatsky section, which leaves one shelf of books “undressed” until we repair and add the new labels. A new volunteer named Gloria also helped us with cutting book covers.
- Pablo Sender’s two excellent new books on Blavatsky’s writings & The Secret Doctrine have also been added and are on display in the library window.
This is all part of the ongoing work of the library, modest and gradual, but nonetheless moving forward.
As we still have more books than we have room for in the library, we ask that books not be left in the library for donation. If you have something rare and unique you feel should be considered, please contact Nancy at: bookkeeper@indralaya.org
Please feel free to browse the library when you are at camp; it is a great place to peruse & ponder, with a world-class view!
News from the Board
News from the Board Secretary: Marilynne Gardner
At the October Orcas Island Foundation Board meeting, I was elected as the 2025 Member Representative. Board members Merry Bullock, Victoria Fonseca-Bennett, Andrie Levey-Bates, Tessa Ormenyi and Michael Van Gelder continue their Board terms. Lin Bauer was re-appointed Member at Large to a 3-year term.
The newly constituted Board then elected its officers – Michael was elected as Board Chair, Tessa as Vice Chair, Merry as Treasurer, and Marilynne as Secretary. Camp Manager Alec Grae reports to the Board and participates in board meetings.
Board Service
At the Harvest Work Party, I was glad to hear a camper express interest in serving on the board. I think the best preparation is to participate in programs and work parties across the calendar year. Work parties embody the spirit of volunteerism and reflect the cycle of activities required to maintain camp. The programs reflect the theosophical vision, values and community spirit we seek to create each time we gather.
By becoming a member of Friends of Indralaya you will be able to read board policies and minutes and learn about the breadth of issues that come before the board. Each board member carries areas of responsibility in addition to participating in nearly monthly board meetings either at Indralaya or via Zoom. We all serve on various committees and welcome people who would like to contribute to a particular area such as facilities maintenance, marketing, finance, etc. Serving on a committee where policies are discussed and directions set is a good introduction to serving on the Board. New Committee chairs and members will be appointed at the December board meeting.
If you are interested in serving on the Indralaya (Orcas Island Foundation) board, either as a Board Member or as a committee member – please let us know (send an email to any Board member or me as Board Secretary). There will be two positions open for election in October 2025: a Members Representative and Member-at-Large. A call for nominations will be distributed to all Friends of Indralaya in the spring.
For more information and current board member bios, please visit our website: https://www.indralaya.org/home/about/board-of-directors/
Treasurer’s Report: Merry Bullock
As the year comes to a close, we have a clearer picture of how Indralaya will fare for 2024. There is good news and there is sobering news! The good news is that revenues were higher this year than ever before. Our program participation is strong, and we are back to the pre-covid level. We also had strong income from Friends of Indralaya membership payments and from donations – for 2024 we received (so far – end of year donations are still to come in!) over $70,000 – about half to support general operations, and half to support the new Lower Bathhouse construction, and another $3,300 to support Therapeutic Touch program scholarships.
The sobering news is that our expenses were also robust – with a couple of surprises from insurance increases and an usually harsh winter freeze that led to some unexpected pipe breaks. But all in all, we anticipate that we will end the year with a smaller deficit than in years past. This, coupled with the fact that our investments did well enough so that their gain more than covers the operating budget deficit means we are holding steady.
What is ahead for 2025?
The Board is working on finalizing the 2025 budget and we are anticipating a few changes. Program costs (food, maintenance) have risen for Indralaya along with the rest of the country – so we anticipate a small (3-4%) increase in program fees for 2025. The board is also committed to making a major push to complete construction so that the new lower bathhouse will be complete enough to use in time for 2025 programs. To do this, Indralaya is exploring a mortgage that will allow us to finish construction now, and spread the construction payments out over several years. Even with the mortgage, though, we will still be asking our community to contribute with donations, labor and enthusiasm!
We have projected a strong program year (see the list of programs here in Meadow Musings and also later in the month on the web) that will continue camps’s robust rebound from the covid years, and plans for a new biodynamic garden should also ease some program food costs.
I also want to give thanks to the Finance Committee – Budy Djinaedi, Casi Brown, Marilynne Gardner, Andrie Levey-Bates, and Alec Grae for their help in oversight of camp’s investments (the size of the investments is about 1.5 time the annual operating budget expenses). Our portfolio is balanced to be modestly conservative, and to provide a longer term base for camp support.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask (merry.bullock@colorado.edu). The Indralaya financial statements for year’s end will be available for the next Meadow Musings in the new year!
Vancouver, B.C. is hosting the World Congress of the TS!
“Toward Insight and Wholeness: Our Role in Shaping the Future”: 12th World Congress of the Theosophical Society, July 23-27, 2025
“The Role of Service in Shaping the Future”: 5th International Conference of the Theosophical Order of Service (TOS), July 27-29, 2025
All are welcome to this summer’s World TS Congress, hosted in beautiful Vancouver, B.C. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of the TSA, and the 100th anniversary of the TS in Canada!
Speakers include Tim Boyd, international President of the Theosophy Society, Elizabeth May OC MP, a Canadian politician (member of the House of Commons), environmentalist, author, activist, and lawyer who is serving as the leader of the Green Party of Canada, renowned Theosophical scholar Michael Gomes, and Mitch Horowitz, historian and popular voice of esoteric ideas (author of the classic Occult America), and others. This international event is held every 7 years and it is in our backyard!
For more information and to register, visit the following link: https://worldcongress.ts-adyar.org/
Questions? Please send them to Andrie Levey-Bates: andriebates@hotmail.com
Friends of Indralaya
Friends of Indralaya is the support membership for all of Indralaya’s activities. The membership period is annual – January 1-December 31 of each year. It is not too early to join or renew your membership for next year! You can do that here. Please be sure to take note of the 5% Friends’ discount on Indralaya program fees.
Camp Doings
2024 Programs in Pictures!