A Theosophical Center Committed to Community and Spiritual Development

Mission & Strategic Plan

Mission & Strategic Plan

Mission Statement:

Indralaya is both a sanctuary and a dynamic community engaged in an ongoing experiment in theosophical living and study. We honor and work with nature, and aspire to live according to the principles of altruism, peaceful engagement with the world (ahimsa), tolerance, conscious simplicity, love, and the pursuit of truth. All who choose to participate are welcome.

Strategic Plan:


Serves as an educational center for programs grounded in the Theosophical World View and the three objects of the Theosophical Society.

-encouraging the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science

-investigating the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity

Serves as a sanctuary.

-nurturing personal and spiritual growth, healing, and creativity

-balancing opportunities for reflection, intellectual exploration, work, relaxation, and play

-recognizing and fostering awareness of our interconnectedness

Celebrates living in community as an essential aspect of the oneness of all life.

-operating with shared labor and volunteerism whenever possible

-collaborating and resolving differences through flexibility and openness

-emphasizing multigenerational activities and programs

-valuing our history and traditions

Exemplifies theosophical principles in individual and collective action.

-emphasizing service and altruism

-practicing conscious simplicity

-expressing tolerance of differing perspectives and spiritual paths

-pursuing truth courageously and compassionately wherever it leads

-acting with grace and love toward others

Honors and engages with nature, including its nonmaterial aspects.

-encouraging an attitude of ahimsa through all aspects of daily living, including vegetarianism

-practicing regular individual and collective meditation

-following a path of active environmentalism and sustainable practices