Indralaya began as an experiment in 1927. Northwest members of the Theosophical Society had the opportunity to come together at the MacClaren Farm, a 26 acre property on Orcas Island for a “spiritual vacation,” and a general get-together. Fritz Kunz and Dora Van Gelder Kunz (who married earlier that year) came from the East Coast as special guests.
In 1927, there was no dining room or sleeping accommodations. Meals were cooked in the old farmhouse kitchen and eaten outside. People slept in tents (the lucky ones) with hay filled ticks (used for mattresses). Everybody prepared for the camp and everybody helped out. The two camps held in 1927 were very successful, with 43 attendees, and a great deal of enthusiasm was generated for meeting the following summer. This enthusiasm led to a decision to continue the camp meetings on a yearly basis.

A separate organization was set up by Ray Wardall, a Seattle attorney and member of the Theosophical Society, to operate the camp. It was a nonprofit, tax-exempt, educational and charitable Washington State corporation, using the three declared objects of the Theosophical Society for its objects and purposes. It was approved by the Secretary of State on November 27, 1928. Application was also made to the Internal Revenue Service for tax exempt status, and IRS approval was granted. The new corporation was called the Orcas Island Foundation. Shortly after its birth, the property was named Camp Indralaya, a name selected by Fritz Kunz.
Indralaya has changed in many ways since 1927, and yet it is also the same. The property has grown and been developed to encompass 78 acres, 28 cabins, a kitchen, dining room, lounge, library, and two bath houses, one with outdoor showers. Our program year begins in April and extends until mid-October. But there is still a special feeling of peace, harmony and reverence for all life that has been present since the beginning. And we still share this place with the bunnies, the deer, the eagles and the owls, the beautiful madrona, fir, and cedar trees.