A Theosophical Center Committed to Community and Spiritual Development

Donate to Indralaya

Donate to Indralaya

About Donations

Throughout its history, donations have supported Indralaya in countless ways: to build the Dining Hall and lounge addition; to purchase a new stove; to invest in solar panels; to renovate the Library and the Kunz cabin; to update the water and electrical systems; to create all the spaces that make this place so special; and to make possible scholarships and financial assistance to participants in need.

The need for your financial help has not disappeared. To make participation as accessible as possible, program, accommodation and meal fees cover only about 75% of our expenses. The rest is subsidized by donations. We also use donations for infrastructure, for building maintenance (some in dire need of repair), to purchase needed supplies for the garden and cabins, and for scholarships. From time to time there are also “restricted donation” campaigns to fund specific projects, such as the new Bathhouse.

There are many ways you can donate!

In addition to “regular” donations, which you can make from the button above, you can help Indralaya through donations as part of planned giving, bequests, or other mechanisms. Click on the many possibilities below.