A Theosophical Center Committed to Community and Spiritual Development

Giving Through Your IRA

Individuals who are 70½ or older can transfer funds from individual retirement accounts (IRA) directly to charitable organizations without having to pay tax on the distribution. Your gift can come from your required minimum distribution for the year – which means you are not taxed on the funds used for this gift.

To include Indralaya as a beneficiary of your minimum distribution, or of your IRA, please contact your retirement plan administrator, or financial advisor. Decide what amount you would like Indralaya to receive, and let them know before your minimum distribution is taken out. They will need to know Indralaya’s Federal Tax number: 91-6076839. Please specify to your retirement plan. administrator whether you would like this as a general or restricted donation (the default is general). 

If you do this, please notify Indralaya via email at office@indralaya.org to expect your donation.