A Theosophical Center Committed to Community and Spiritual Development


Indralaya shoreline

Indralaya was founded in 1927 by members of the Theosophical Society as a practical experiment in theosophical living. This intention continues to form the basis of our philosophy, community life, and programs.

The name Indralaya is derived from Sanskrit and means “a home for the spiritual forces in nature.” In this unique environment, individuals and families are encouraged to live in cooperative harmony with nature and each other, experiencing the interconnectedness of all forms of life while exploring individual pathways to wholeness. Since its founding, a strong sense of community has been at the heart of Indralaya. Throughout the course of its history, many have volunteered time and assistance to the camp.

As participants in an ongoing experiment in theosophical living, campers not only take part in programs and discussions, they also share meals, after-meal chores, and other endeavors.

Located on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands of Washington State, Indralaya is a sanctuary of natural beauty and peace.

The camp encompasses seventy-eight acres of forest, meadows, and trails, situated along three quarters of a mile of coastal shoreline. We share this space with rabbits, deer, owls, mink, squirrels, sea otter, bald eagles, and other wildlife.

The camp offers a wide variety of programs. There is also daily meditation, trail walks, a small bookshop, and a surprisingly well-stocked metaphysical library.

From June through August the facilities are used almost continuously for programs. Weekend programs and “work parties” are held during the spring and fall months

Maximum occupancy is ninety-five people. Visitors are accommodated in simple rustic sleeping cabins warmed with wood burning stoves. Most cabins share a nearby bathhouse, while a few have self-contained plumbing.

The lodge and meadow
The meadow and dining hall

Delicious vegetarian meals are served in a communal dining hall. All participants are asked to join in the after-meal cleanup as a means of encouraging community and reducing cost.


As an independent nonprofit organization, Indralaya charges minimal fees, sustaining its operations with the donated labor and financial support of its many volunteers.

Whether you seek serenity or kinship, tranquil quiet, or the challenge of personal inner exploration, we invite you to experience Indralaya’s nurturing environment.

As a theosophical camp, Indralaya welcomes the full participation of people of all races, religions, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Membership in the Theosophical Society is not a requirement for participation in the camp and its activities.

The Theosophical Society is a worldwide organization founded in 1875 and dedicated to better understanding our place in the universe as well as the purpose and meaning of our lives.

All who attend programs or work parties at Indralaya are encouraged to act in harmony with the principles of theosophical life that guide our activities here. A central premise of theosophy (which can be defined as the perennial wisdom) is that we are all one. Reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for every religious tradition are prominent theosophical principles. The Theosophical Society imposes no dogmas, but points toward the source of unity beyond all differences.


Indralaya History

Mission and Strategic Plan

Board of Directors

Orcas Island Foundation