TT Mentorship
With Kathy Arquette, Chery Ann Hoffmeyer, Cordy Anderson, Lin Bauer and Mary Lou Trinkwon
June 7 - 13, 2025
Saturday, June 7 Dinner – Friday, June 13 Breakfast
Please register online and then you will be sent an additional application. Return completed application as soon as you can (May 26th at the latest) as spaces are limited.
The Mentorship Program is now in its twenty-fifth year. It is designed for Therapeutic Touch (TT) Practitioners who are at a variety of stages in their development. As with all programs, we respond to feedback from evaluation forms. Thus, we continue to evolve in what we offer.
TT Mentorship 2025
This year we will be offering three mentorship groups.
No matter which mentor group you prefer, please first register for the Mentorship Week. You will then receive an application to fill out via email. In the application you will be able to clearly indicate which group you prefer. Thanks!
The groups:
- A mentorship group for folks at any level who have at least completed Foundations of Therapeutic Touch and want to deepen their practice.
- A mentorship group which includes the Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch Course. This course fulfills a requirement needed for those pursuing QTTP and is open to anyone the prerequisites of: (1) completion of Foundations and (2) practicing TT for at least six months regularly, or with approval of the instructors.
- A mentorship group for Exploration of the Inner Processes of TT.
This program involves inner work and reflection. Prerequisites for this class are (1) completion of Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch (and ideally completion of Application of the Inner Processes of TT) and (2) at least 2 years of regular TT practice, or with approval of the instructors.
The intent of these programs is to provide a rich opportunity to deepen your understanding and practice of TT. All participants will have many opportunities to enhance their efficacy as TT practitioners within a supportive environment. An integral part of this program is daily TT sessions with those who attend as Healing Partners. Daily clinical sessions and dialogues with peers and mentors maximize the potential for deep healing during TT sessions with Healing Partners. This is a mutually beneficial aspect of the program.
The groups, led by experienced and credentialed Therapeutic Touch teachers, allow for meeting individual needs and questions and, at the same time, there is synergistic learning by all who are present. No matter what your TT experience, this week will expand and enliven you, inside and out.
Traditional Mentorship: Kathy Arquette, EdM, QTTP
Mentorship plus the Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch Course: Chery Ann Hoffmeyer, PhD, QTTT, RTTT; Cordy Anderson, BSN, Retired RN, QTTT
Program Coordinators
Cordy Anderson BSN, Retired RN, QTTT
Continuing Education Hours will be applied for in 2025 and information will be posted once approval has been obtained (usually about 20-25 Contact Hours).
Note: please click here if you would like to donate to a fund to support TT attendance by others with more limited means.
Program Fees:
Program fees are all-inclusive and cover accommodation, food, and program specifics for the entire program. Participants may choose their accommodation type preference (Plumbing, Non-Plumbing, RV/Tent) and may select to work on daily staff (2 hours commitment per day) for a substantial discount.
See Accommodation Types here:
Non-Accommodation rates are for program and meals only. Daily Staff discounts for non-accommodation rates cover meals. Children under 6 are free.
In the table “Std” is standard rate; “DS” is Daily Staff Rate.

Registration Instructions:
- You may register one or more persons in a single registration. To register more than one, select multiple persons for your accommodation type.
- If you are selecting Daily Staff please indicate in notes who in the party is taking the daily staff discount (available to adults, young adults, teens). Daily staff discounts (except for No-Accommodation rates) are indicated by checking Daily Staff as an additional item. The discount will be applied on checkout.
- You have an option of making a donation to Indralaya as part of your registration.
- On checkout, please indicate if you are a “Friend of Indralaya” (if you are not you can become one by selecting this option) – this will confer a 5% discount on your camp accommodation fees.
Cancellation Policy
- Free cancellation through May 7 – $0
- Cancellation fee May 8 – May 23 – $50
- Cancellation fee May 24 and later – $100
EdM, QTTP (she/her) I am an energetic, enthusiastic, and joyful TT practitioner and so grateful to have TT as a lifeway, a journey of fun, learning, compassion, and healing. I was introduced to TT twenty plus years ago, Therapeutic Touch dovetailed so nicely with the Sound trainings I was studying. My TT practice deepened through visits to The Rockery, Dee Krieger’s home in Montana, where we attended to complete a “honey-do” list of projects for Dee. I went twice a year and those visits opened my curiosity. I needed to know more about this wonderful healing modality. The visits were…
Learn more about Kathy Arquette
PhD, QTTT, RTTT (she/her) I was first drawn to Therapeutic Touch® in 1984, where I was introduced to the concept of the human biofield. I was intrigued by what I experienced in that first TT class and wanted to learn more. I had the wonderful privilege of studying with Dora Kunz and Dolores Krieger, the co-founders of TT, at the TT summer camps in Indralaya and at Pumpkin Hollow Farm. In my private practice, I offered Therapeutic Touch to a diverse range of healing partners including: newborns, women in pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum; surgical clients; and seniors. As…
Learn more about Chery Ann Hoffmeyer
BSN, Retired RN, QTTT (she/her) In 1984 I began my 32-year career as a home health and hospice nurse. Therapeutic Touch magically came into my life as the “what to do when there is nothing else left to help”. Almost immediately I found TT to be an amazing adjunct to my nursing care…to ease someone’s respiratory distress…to relieve phantom pain…to help reduce a fever. Now, in my “retreadment” (a term I learned from Dee) my priorities are to be an involved grandma, teach TT, and offer Therapeutic Touch every chance I get. After over 30 years, I know that I…
Learn more about Cordy Anderson
MS, CCMHP, QTTT (she/her) I have been a Therapeutic Touch practitioner since 1992 and teacher since 2002, teaching all three levels of TT. A retired Special Education teacher after 32+ years, I am also a Sound Therapist, practicing since 2001. I am currently on the board of Camp Indralaya and am the Education Trustee for TTIA board. I am also on the boards of TT Dialogues, Inc, and the Northwest Therapeutic Touch Institute. In addition to working with people with special needs, my TT practice includes working with people with cancer, and those who are on hospice. I have presented Therapeutic…
Learn more about Lin Bauer
MEd, RP, RT (she/her) I began my TT journey in 2015 with Cheryl Larden at Langara College. I have been involved in Therapeutic Touch Networks of Canada committee work, the Reciprocity Committee and the Mentorship Guidelines Handbook and I am currently sitting on a Therapeutic Touch International Association Committee in a review of curriculum guidelines. In 2019 I was BCTTNS Secretary, and since that time I sat on the Education Committee, in 2022 as Co-Chair and I am currently the Credentialing Chair. I have been a participant in the Montana Dialogues since 2019, and in 2023/24 developed and facilitated ‘aesthetic…
Learn more about Mary Lou Trinkwon