April Claxton

A lover of slow, meandering walks, April has always preferred taking her time to spot the tiny bits of nature magic along a trail or finding a spot to sit and just be. Recently, after studying the positive health benefits of time in nature, she began leading forest bathing walks. April is grateful to have learned from practitioners both in Bellingham & in Finland and is a certified Natural Mindfulness Guide. She knows slowing down and taking time to be mindful in nature can open us to wonder, peace, joy and a deeper connection to place and to ourselves. Learn more at AmongtheTreespnw.com.
Events with April Claxton

August 14 - 19, 2025
Thursday August 14 Dinner – Tuesday August 19 Breakfast Find a New Side of You Through Mindfulness Inspired Art Join us for a program of presence in nature and expression in art. Through guided mindfulness walks we will get inspiration to connect to our sense of playfulness and wonder. We’ll discover the forest and shoreline by observing with our senses and explore our creativity through print and watercolor. Much or no previous knowledge in these techniques are welcome. Blueprints of Nature: The Art of Cyanotypes (Kimberlee Hummel) This workshop will guide participants through the creation of cyanotype prints, an ancient…