Jody Falconer

CMT, QTTT (she/her)
My desire to understand healing, spurred on by my own healing path, led me to Therapeutic Touch in 1994, and then expanded into teaching Therapeutic Touch in massage schools beginning in 1997. From the beginning, TT became a central figure in understanding who I was, and in nurturing my abilities to be of support to others in their own healing. In my massage practice in Sonoma, California, it is at the root of my healing interactions. I have a special interest in understanding trauma and TT, sharing TT to local communities, and looking at how TT can be of support during these times of Global Warming. I am grateful to be able to continue to learn and evolve and to be a part of the coordination team here at Indralaya, and so very grateful to have studied under Dora, Dee, and the many TT elders over the years.
Events with Jody Falconer

June 16 - 22, 2025
Monday June 16 dinner – Sunday June 22 Breakfast Please register and then you will be sent an additional application. Return completed application as soon as you can (May 30 at the latest) as spaces are limited. Deepening Our Practice of TT In Challenging and Changing Times Promise me you will always remember: You’re braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem, And smarter than you think. Winnie-the-Pooh Enter the bowl of vastness that is the heart. Give yourself to it with total abandonment. Quiet ecstasy is there and a steady regal sense of resting in a perfect spot. Once you…