2024 Program Descriptions

  • $60.00 – Annual Membership, Single
  • $120.00 – Annual Family Membership
  • $600.00 – Lifetime Membership

Join Friends of Indralaya

January 1 - December 31, 2024

2024 Friends of Indralaya Meeting: see recording here

WHAT IS Friends of Indralaya?

Friends of Indralaya is the membership arm of the Orcas Island Foundation (OIF). The OIF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that oversees Indralaya. The objects of the organization (as stated in the articles of incorporation) are: “To found, organize, establish, maintain and conduct schools of philosophy, science, religion and theosophy; to teach the principle of universal brotherhood; to encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science, and to investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.”

HOW TO BE A Friend of Indralaya

Friends of Indralaya is open to any person who declares themselves to be in sympathy with the objects of the Orcas Island Foundation.

Membership Categories

  • Annual Individual Membership $60
  • Annual Family Membership $120
  • Lifetime Membership $600

Annual Friends of Indralaya Membership is from 1 January to 31 December of each year.

Membership Benefits:

  • Participation in the annual Friends of Indralaya meeting where updates, key policies, and issues are discussed. 
  • 5% discount on program fees, not including personal retreat rates.
  • Personal Retreat opportunities during non-program times (see below).
  • Friends of Indralaya who are also members of the Theosophical Society are eligible to vote in the annual Board of Directors election.

Indralaya is always in need of devoted and involved members! We encourage you to find creative ways to offer your skills, time, and support to the camp.  This sacred place depends on your involvement to continue to flourish.

Friend of Indralaya Member Representative

Each year the voting Friends of Indralaya elect one person who sits on the Indralaya Board and who is the Friend of Indralaya Member Representative. This person leads the Member meetings and the annual elections.

Link to 2024 Friends of Indralaya Activities